Conscious movement in your Physical State Pillar can help you develop capacities in your Mental and Emotional State Pillars.
These five capacities, which we have termed “Dynamic Energetics”, consist of:
These are important factors in both personal effectiveness and leadership. We have called them “Dynamic Energetics”, because they involve ways of shifting your energy such that you can create specific valuable experiences in the world, for yourself and for others.
We define stability as the capacity to stay on purpose in the presence of change. It is a quality or state of something that is not easily moved from its purpose.
Developing a stability practice in the Physical State Pillar builds the capacity to stay on purpose in the Mental State Pillar and the capacity to create an experience of certainty and consistency in the Emotional State Pillar.
The purpose of stability practice is to increase your body control by engaging your core throughout all four movements.
We define strength as the capacity to persevere in the presence of resistance.
Developing a strength practice in the Physical State Pillar builds the capacity to persevere in the Mental State Pillar and the capacity to create an experience of tenacity in the Emotional State Pillar.
The purpose of strength practice is to build your strength by overcoming external force.
We define restoration as the capacity to recover in the presence of completion. In the Physical State Pillar, restoration is a process of recovery, a movement or return to a particular state, in preparation for the next movement.
Developing a restoration practice in the Physical State Pillar builds the capacity to recover in the Mental State Pillar and the capacity to create an experience of calmness in the Emotional State Pillar.
The purpose of restoration practice is to slow down and establish a sense of peace.
We define flexibility as the capacity to flow or move with ease in the presence of tensity.
Developing a flexibility practice in the Physical State Pillar builds the capacity to move with ease and flow and be creative in the Mental State Pillar and the capacity to create an experience of lightness in the Emotional State Pillar.
The purpose of flexibility practice is to increase your range of motion and move well.
We define power as the capacity to generate impact in the presence of a challenge. Simply put, when you have strength and speed, you have power.
Developing a power practice in the Physical State Pillar builds the capacity to make an impact in the Mental State Pillar and the capacity to create an experience of excitement in the Emotional State Pillar.
The purpose of power practice is to train your brain and muscles to work together faster and more effectively, thereby creating a high-impact movement.